d:CON 4_03 Final Installation Progress

Two days ago, I saw an old wooden block in a truck during the tutorial session with Mr.David. Thanks to the deliveryman, he gave me the wooden block as I asked for. Apart from that, I got some rusty nails from the workers of the construction site on the way to school. The old wooden block was the base of my installation while the rusty nails was used to hold the perspex. Li Cheng, my coursemate have booked the make-lab for whole day, which provided us a working space to work on our installation. 

The design was developed from the "Timeline" I made last week. Instead of using the four different types of light transmission boxes to represent the main plots of the novel, "No Dram of Mercy" by Sybil Kathigasu, the "Timeline" was developed by using perspex to form an invisible timeline on what Sybil experienced. The "Timeline" will be "twisted" with the angle of perspex to form a movement and will be "shrink" and "expanded" with the size of perspex. Every single pieces of perspex represent the years of Sybil passed through. There are total of 49 pieces of perspex as she passed away in 49 years old (1900-1949) due to the torture in Batu Gajah prison. 

Meanwhile during the experimenting, I fail on doing the figure of Sybil Kathigasu on perspex as the pin is to weak to nail on it. Luckily the perspex was not crack when I tried to nail the pin on it. However, I have to rethink the method to make the shadow from perspex in order to create Sybil's figure.

The pictures below are the experimenting on holding perspex with rusty nail on the wooden block.




d:CON_4 Final Design of Drive Thru Gallery

d:CON 4_01 Introduction & "No Dram of Mercy" by Sybil Kathigasu

d:CON 4_08 Function follow form?