d:CON 4_08 Function follow form?

Form - Space planning - Floor plan

This is the first time for me to use this kind of design method to complete the studio. Especially when I saw the sketch of my lecturer, my whole brain was stop working. I spend a lot of time to digest the design proposal as well as lecturer's approved.

"How deconstructivism show Malaysian's identities?"I asked.

"It's like using chopstick to eat hamburger, " he said.

Sketches by Ar. David Yek.

The initial form of my building design.

Honestly, it's ugly.

I was stuck because of the form of the building. The shape of wormhole should be twist and warped.

Structure of building form experiment.
Structure of building "legs" sketches.

However, during the tutorial, the structure was rejected due to the design language of neighbor building. My heart was broken as my model's structure.

Restart and redo.



d:CON_4 Final Design of Drive Thru Gallery

d:CON 4_01 Introduction & "No Dram of Mercy" by Sybil Kathigasu